During the recent years the Company has realized more than 150 projects for industrial and civil purposes of total amount of more than 1.1 milliard USD, including the Projects for our main Customers:

“Tengizchevroil” LLP

Work realization period: 2004 — 2024

  • Offices in TCO Village and Field Operations Offices in Tengiz;
  • Associated Crude Projects at Tengiz oilfield;
  • Transport services for transportation of oversize and overweight;
  • U600 Water Treatment & Disposal (Civil & Mechanical Works);
  • IB MOA Project “Early works maintenance shop, substation and utility building”;
  • TCO WRF Pond Lining Works;
  • TCO PFU Project;
  • MS-8 Manifold upgrade;
  • Stages 1 and 2B. Civil Works DMC;
  • Aggregate handling at Tengiz Facilities;
  • Construction of Off-Plot and Intra-Field Haul Roads;
  • Well infrastructure development;
  • KTL switchgear upgrade Project — Fabrication, installation of steel structures and foundation works.

PFD International Ltd AB

Work realization period: 2002 — 2008

  • Engineering, Procurement, Construction of rotational camp “Shanyrak” for 6520 persons in Tengiz (on the EPC conditions);
  • Construction of new Western road in Tengiz (on the EPC conditions);
  • Civil works for fuel gas compressor house in Tengiz;
  • Off-Plot Civil Works (South Plot);
  • SGI/SGP Project pipelines — Next Generation Gathering System at the Korolev oilfield (Sicim S.p.A – General Contractor).

Agip KCO

Work realization period: 1999 — 2012

  • Construction of general education school in Aktau;
  • Construction of production base in Bautino village;
  • Plant–site preparation and piling for early oil project Kashagan East oilfield development;
  • Marine operation support. Mechanical and piping works at Bautino support base;
  • Engineering, Procurement, Construction Services for Process Liquid Waste Disposal Areas at West Eskene oilfield (on the EPC conditions).

 NKTN “KazTransOil”

Work realization period: 1996 — 1999

  • Construction of underwater pipeline section Sai-Utes – Buzachi through Kaidak bay of Caspian Sea (on the EPC conditions);
  • Construction of tank farms 20000m3х2, 5000m3х8 in Mangystau and Atyrau regions (on the EPC conditions).

“Karazhanbasmunai” JSC

Work realization period: 2000 — 2009

  • Construction of drilling pads and roads at Karazhanbas oilfield. 1-st and 2-nd stages;
  • Construction of oil pipeline D 325mm, substation 110/6 kV, cluster pumping station аt Karazhanbas oilfield;
  • Construction of associated gas gathering and treatment system аt Karazhanbas oilfield;
  • Construction of radio communication tower in the area of CETS (Central Engineering-Technological Services) at Karazhanbas oilfield;
  • Construction of gas-fuel pipeline from Metering Station-34 (MS) to main pipeline DU 200mm, and construction of gas pipeline for transportation of fuel gas from MS-33 to gas distributing main pipeline DU 400mm at Karazhanbas oilfield.

“Karakudukmunai” LLP

Work realization period: 2006 — 2009

  • Works on Karakuduk oilfield development (commercial oil metering point, group unit No.5, tubing cleaning unit);
  • Construction of facilities under the project “Utilization of associated gas. Reconstruction of oil gathering and treating system” at Karakuduk oilfield;
  • Construction of gas transportation pipeline UKPG-TSN at Karakuduk oilfield;
  • Water storage tank 200m3 at CPC Karakuduk oilfield.

Karachaganak Petroleum Operating BV

Work realization period: 1999 — 2001

  • Earlier civil works at Karachaganak oilfield;
  • Civil and mechanical-installation works at Karachaganak oilfield.

Buzachi Operating Ltd. Kazakhstan Branch

Work realization period: 2002 — 2013

  • Construction of drilling pads and access roads, OHL 20kW at North Buzachi oilfield;
  • Camp extension at North Buzachi oilfield;
  • Construction of well pads, pads for manifold stations and power transmission lines and access roads at North Buzachi oilfield.

Maersk Oil Kazakhstan GmBH

Work realization period: 2008 — 2017

  • Gas utilization project – Basic construction and erection works at Dunga oilfield;
  • Construction of roads and well pads at Dunga oilfield;
  • Supply of materials, installation, commissioning and testing of 40 pumping units;
  • Fabrication, installation and piping of pig launcher and pig receiver chambers;
  • SKID fabrication, installation;
  • Fiberspar flexible pipe routing;
  • Establishment and Wellhead Connection, Construction of Oil gathering system (flow lines and collectors) I,M,E lines and J line – 10 wells.

Total E&P Total Dunga GmbH

Work realization period: 2018 — 2020

SWPWTU&WI SW, including:

  • Works on repair of equipment and pipelines during production stut-down at Dunga field;
  • Overhead Lines OHL-10 KV from Dunga-4 Sub-Station to Site PST-10/6,0 KV;
  • Installation of Pipeline from Tie-In point to Site PST-01;
  • Earthworks and Civil Works;
  • Sea Water Lines Between CGF and PST-01;
  • Installation of Shlumberger water treatment system equipment  (for produced, sea water) with a capacity of 30,000 barrels / day each;
  • Installation and Set-Up of Air-Preparation and Nitrogene Generarion Unit;
  • Electrical Installation Works;
  • Installation of E-house building (power-generating unit);
  • Installation of substation PS -10/6,0 kV;
  • Installation of compressor house building 495m²;
  • Installation of gas treatment facility (producing capacity 240 000m³/day);
  • Installation of chemical agent injection skids;
  • Works on installation and  set-up of instrumentation and control systems.

Other Customers

Work realization period: 1995 — 2011

  • Integrated industrial development of Kalamkas oilfield ( “Mangystaumunaigas“ JSC);
  • Construction of oil gathering and treatment installation oil pipeline at Tasbulat oilfield (“Tasbulat Oil Corporation” Ltd.);
  • Construction of access road to “Marine Operations Support Base” in Bautino village (“Teniz Service” Ltd. as General Contractor);
  • Integrated Gas Treatment Plant at Karabatan oilfield (“Company Montazhspetsstroy” JSC);
  • Construction of water pipeline and re-construction of sewage collector in Aktau (Aktau, Capital Construction Department) (on the EPC conditions).
All the facilities were realized by the Company within the periods established by Customers.